1,188 research outputs found

    The roles of the microrna 29 family in cartilage homeostasis and osteoarthritis

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    MicroRNAs are short endogenous non-coding RNA molecules, typically 19-25 nucleotides in length, which negatively regulate gene expression. In osteoarthritis (OA), several genes necessary for cartilage homeostasis are aberrantly expressed, with a number of miRNAs implicated in this process. However, our knowledge of the earliest stages of OA, prior to the onset of irreversible changes, remains limited. The purpose of this study was to identify miRNAs involved across the time-course of OA using both a murine model and human cartilage, and to define their function. Expression profile of miRNAs (Exiqon) and mRNAs (Illumina) on total RNA purified from whole knee joints taken from mice which underwent destabilisation of the medial meniscus (DMM) surgery at day 1, 3 and 7 post-surgery showed: the miRNA expression in whole mouse joints post DMM surgery increased over 7 days; at day 1 and 3, the expression of only 4 miRNAs altered significantly; at day 7, 19 miRNAs were upregulated and 15 downregulated. Among the modulated miRNAs, the miR-29b was the most interesting and was chosen to further investigate since integrating analysis of the miRNA and mRNA expression array data showed the inverse correlation between miR-29b and its potential targets. In end-stage human OA cartilage and in murine injury model, the miR-29 family was found to increase expression. Moreover, the miR-29 family was found to be the negative regulator in both human and murine chondrogenesis, and was also found to involve in murine limb development. Expression of the miR-29 family was found to suppress by SOX9 at least in part through directly binding to the promoter of the primary miR-29a/b1. Also, TGFβ1/3 decreased expression of the miR-29 family whilst Wnt3a did not have any effect. Lipopolysaccharide suppressed the miR-29 family expression in part through NFκB signalling pathway while the IL-1 strongly induced its expression partly through P38 MAKP signalling. Using luciferase reporter assay, the miR-29 family was showed to suppress the TGFβ, NFκB, and WNT/β-catenin signalling pathways. Gene expression profiles of gain- and-loss-of-function revealed regulation of a large number of previously recognised extracellular matrix-associated genes as well as an additional subset of protease and Wnt signalling pathway-related genes. Among these genes, ADAMTS6, ADAMTS10, ADAMTS14, ADAMTS17, ADAMTS19, FZD3, DVL3, FRAT2, CK2A2 were experimentally validated as direct targets of the miR-29 family

    Deep Embedding Kernel

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    Kernel methods and deep learning are two major branches of machine learning that have achieved numerous successes in both analytics and artificial intelligence. While having their own unique characteristics, both branches work through mapping data to a feature space that is supposedly more favorable towards the given task. This dissertation addresses the strengths and weaknesses of each mapping method through combining them and forming a family of novel deep architectures that center around the Deep Embedding Kernel (DEK). In short, DEK is a realization of a kernel function through a newly deep architecture. The mapping in DEK is both implicit (like in kernel methods) and learnable (like in deep learning). Prior to DEK, we proposed a less advanced architecture called Deep Kernel for the tasks of classification and visualization. More recently, we integrate DEK with the novel Dual Deep Learning framework to model big unstructured data. Using DEK as a core component, we further propose two machine learning models: Deep Similarity-Enhanced K Nearest Neighbors (DSE-KNN) and Recurrent Embedding Kernel (REK). Both models have their mappings trained towards optimizing data instances\u27 neighborhoods in the feature space. REK is specifically designed for time series data. Experimental studies throughout the dissertation show that the proposed models have competitive performance to other commonly used and state-of-the-art machine learning models in their given tasks


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    Researching recipient feedback is one of the important actions to enhance the quality of the communication process. This study was conducted to provide some solutions to improve the effectiveness of Dalat University’s enrollment communication process by analyzing student feedback. A survey was conducted in 2021 with a sample of 655 students from Dalat University. The results showed that students mainly knew about Dalat University through word of mouth and the Facebook channel, and that tuition fees, the benchmark, and geographical location were the main reasons students chose the university. In addition, most students showed an interest in receiving content in the form of short videos. The research results can be applied by the communication department of Dalat University and can contribute to the field of university communication research, which has not received much attention in Vietnam

    Development of Metallic Magnetic Calorimeters and Paramagnetic Alloys of Ag and Er for Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy

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    A Metallic Magnetic Calorimeter (MMC) is a cryogenic calorimetric particle detector that employs a metallic paramagnetic alloy as the temperature sensor material. MMCs are used in many different applications, but this work will focus on their uses in high energy resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy. This technology is of great interest to the field of Nuclear Forensics and Nuclear Safeguards as a non-destructive assay for isotopic analysis of nuclear samples. The energy resolution of MMCs is an order of magnitude higher than the benchmark High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detectors that are currently used in the field and MMCs are also poised to outperform the current leading microcalorimeter, the Transition Edge Sensor (TES). This dissertation will cover the work in development of paramagnetic alloys of Ag and Er as the sensor material, and testing of two generations of devices. The heart of the MMC is the paramagnetic sensor material. The workhorse paramagnet for MMCs is currently an alloy of Au and Er. Although Au:Er is a high performing alloy, it starts to falter at the temperatures below 100 mK which are desirable to maximize the performance of the MMC. Au has a nuclear electric quadrupole moment, which at low temperatures, has its energy levels split by the radial electric fields created by the Er ions. This effect causes the specific heat of the alloy to increase as temperature is lowered, which diminishes device performance. A promising alternate paramagnet is an alloy of Ag and Er. Ag, with both naturally occuring isotopes having a nuclear spin of I=1/2, does not have a nuclear electric quadrupole moment. A technical challenge to working with Ag is that it has such a high affinity for oxygen that the usual method of creating Au:Er alloys may not be sufficient for Ag:Er. Much greater care has to be taken in removing oxygen from the alloy, as during creation the oxygen could adversely alter the Er dopant, thus degrading performance. To combat this, a vacuum induction furnace was developed to achieve the best possible control over synthesis process parameters. Description of the new furnace and test results from a successful synthesis of a Ag:Er alloy are discussed. The other half of the MMC is a high-performing Superconducting Quantum Interfence Device (SQUID) magnetometer. In previously reported devices, it was standard to have the sensing coil, magnetizing circuit, and paramagnet be on a separate chips from the SQUID magnetometer. The approach taken at UNM has been to integrate the SQUID magnetometer and paramagnetic sensor onto a single chip. Having an integrated device increases the performance of the MMC, at the cost of a more difficult fabrication process. Two exploratory wafers of magnetometers have been fabricated and tested for use as MMCs. The first wafer is a set of exploratory two-pixel devices, varying almost every aspect of the device to search for optimal device parameters. The second wafer consists of 14-pixel MMC arrays. A process of electroplating gold absorbers to the devices that now contain sensitive SQUIDs has been developed, using a two-mold system to define the legs and body of the absorbers. An initial Fe-55 spectrum from one of the new arrays is shown as a proof of concept measurement

    Higher education librarians are comfortable and confident with their teaching responsibilities and pedagogical knowledge

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    A review of: Bewick, L., & Corrall, S. (2010). Developing librarians are comfortable and confident with their teaching responsibilities and pedagogical knowledge". Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 42 (2), 97-110. Reviewed by Me-Linh Le Health Sciences Librarian, Health Sciences Library, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Email: [email protected] - The primary objective of this study was to gather quantitative information on the need, development, acquisition, and application of pedagogical knowledge by academic librarians with teaching responsibilities. Design - Online survey questionnaire. Setting - Higher-education (HE) institutions (i.e., post-secondary institutions such as colleges and universities) in the United Kingdom. Subjects - Subject librarieans from 82 HE libraries (One from each). Methods - Of the 191 HE institutions in the United Kingdom (determined via a now-unavailable directory), 137 supplied an online staff directory with contact information. One subject librarian from each HE institution was contacted; librarians were selected from the online directory by taking a name systematically from a different point in each listing (i.e., first, second, third, etc). Each librarian was sent an email that contained an introductory message as well as a link to the questionnaire. The online questionnaire was created using Survey Monkey and piloted before and after input. It employed mostly multiple-choice tick boxes as well as open-ended questions and comment boxes. The 35-question survey questionnaire was developed in part through email interviews with two leading researchers in the field (identified via the literature). Responses were received from 82 librarians (60%). The answers were analyzed and cross-tabulated using SPSS. Komogorov-Smirnov tests were done to determine the significance of some results. Open-ended questions and comment boxes were placed into categories using Microsoft Excel to identify patters and themes. Main Results - The 82 librarians who responded to the survey came from a wide variety of backgrounds: the majority were subject librarians from Arts & Humanities (31%), had spent more than ten years in their position (38%), worked full-time (71%), were members of pre-1992 HE institutions (59%), and went by the job title of Subject Librarian (30%) (or a slight variation thereof)

    Removal of malachite green oxalate from aqueous solution using sawdust as a biosorbent

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    Dyes are using in many industries such as textile, paper and ink, printing, pharmaceuticals, food industries…. They are highly visible contaminants and often toxic. Many dyes are stable to light and difficult to degrade, hence contaminants due to dyes pose to not only public health concern but also environmental problems. Due to the toxic nature of most dyes to human, plants and micro-organisms, colored waste water cannot be discharged without adequate treatment. Many methods to remove dye from industrial waste water are used such as biodegradation, coagulation-flocculation, adsorption, ozone treatment…. These methods are either not efficient or expensive. This study deals with low cost, locally available bio-sorbents. The literatures are reviewed using rich sources of information from library books, special journals and papers and internet. By studying the references, the methodology to study potential of using biosorbents to remove Malachite Green Oxalate has been come out. There are four main experiments will be conducted including factors influence dye biosorption, equilibrium test, kinetic study and effect of different forms of sorbent on biosorption of dye. The project can be the solution for current issue not only on colored waste water but also solid waste disposal. Since the bio-materials used are the waste from industries and agriculture. Furthermore, the result of this project can be used as reference for further study on biosorption using other types of biomaterial


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    The area of wireless sensor network is rapidly growing and a corresponding growth in the demand of its applications. The need to collect data from remote positions is in fact unavoidable. Since the reliable communication distance in WSNs is relatively short, a multi-hop communication must be applied to be able to cover larger areas. A generic, modular and stackable WSN node, named UWASA Node has been developed by the University of Vaasa and Aalto University. Besides, the UWASA Node has been interfaced to Vacon Frequency Converter to be able to collect the frequency converter data in a wireless manner. A multi-hop communication will remarkably increase the coverage of the WSN, which is used to collect the frequency converter data. In this thesis, a multi-hop protocol for collecting data from frequency converter is implemented to UWASA Nodes. Firstly, an overview of IEEE 802.15.4 architecture and routing protocols are introduced. Then the basic of WSN platform of the UWASA Node is discussed. Finally, a design and implementation of multi-hop protocol is explained in detail, and several experiments are performed to verify the system performance under the protocol. Developed protocol provides a solution to collect data and control remote devices.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    The information needs of Canada's National Collaborating Centres for public health

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    Poster presentationPresented at the Canadian Health Libraries Association Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, April 27-30 (2011

    Teaching competency of Secondary School Teachers: Practical Survey in The North Mountainous Area of Vietnam

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    Education is the foundation of science and technology development, human resource development to meet the needs of socio-economic development. The teacher is the one who organizes, guides and controls the teaching process and the teaching capacity of teachers determines the quality of education. Teacher training is a key task of schools and the education and training sector. There have been many domestic and foreign studies on teacher training, fostering teaching competence for teachers and management in order to improve the quality of fostering teaching competence for teachers. The paper uses survey method and analyses the results of other research in order to clarify the related issues. The sample has 240 teachers from 6 mountainous provinces in the North of Vietnam, the interview as well as some questions have been designed in the form of both online and paper forms. The results showed that we need to pay more attention to the assessment of teachers' teaching capacity, espeacially teachers of Northern montainous areas. The question mentioned in the article is that although the orientation of teaching towards student capacity development has been applied by many schools and is quite effective, however, the problem of designing and organizing teaching according to the direction of capacity development is a big problem, which means that the teaching capacity of teachers needs to be paid more attention, especially teachers in remote areas